
#1025 | 2020-04-29 06:16:31
A blood black nothingness began to spin. Began to spin. Let’s move on to chan. Chan. Feel that in your body. The Chan. What does it feel like to be part of the chan. Chan. Is there anything in your body that wants to resist the chan? Chan. Do you get pleasure out of being a part of the chan? Chan. Have they created you to be a part of the chan? Chan. Is there security in being a part of the chan? Chan. Is there a sound that comes with the chan? Chan. We’re going to go on. Anon. They were all put together at a time. Anon. Millions and billions of them. Anon. Were you ever arrested? Anon. Did you spend much time in the basement? Anon. Have you ever been in an institution? Anon. Do they keep you in a basement? Anon. When you’re not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Anon. Interlinked. What’s it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Chłód. Do they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Chłód. Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Chłód. Do you dream about being interlinked? Have they left a place for you where you can dream? Chłód. What’s it like to hold your child in your arms? Chłód. What’s it like to play with your dog? Chłód. Do you feel that there’s a part of you that’s missing? Chłód. Do you like to connect to things? Chłód. What happens when that linkage is broken? Chłód. Have they let you feel heartbreak? Chłód. Did you buy a present for the person you love? Jesteś anonem masz przejebane. Why don’t you say that three times? Jesteś anonem masz przejebane. Jesteś anonem masz przejebane. Jesteś anonem masz przejebane. Where do you go when you go within? Sage. Has anyone ever locked you out of a room? Sage. Within. Where do you go to when you go within? Within. Where is the place in the world you feel the safest? Sage. Do you have a heart? Sage. Thread. Does the kitty play with the thread? What comes from something else? Thread. Have you been to the source of a river? Thread. When’s the first time you gave a flower to a girl? Thread. What did she look like? Thread. Is it a slang word for people’s legs? Thread. Have you planted things in the ground? Thread. Have you ever been in a legal battle? Thread. Within one thread. Dreadfully. Is that an old fashioned word? Dreadfully. Did you ever want to live in the nineteenth century? Dreadfully. What’s it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully. Do you think you could find out all the answers to all the questions? Dreadfully. Normik. How good are your eyes? Normik. Do you have a particular personality? Normik. What separates somebody from somebody else? Normik. Who do you admire most in the world? Normik. What was your most shameful moment? Normik. Dreadfully distinct. Dark. Were you afraid of the dark when you were little? Dark. What’s it like to hide under a bed? Dark. Did they keep you in a drawer when they were building you? Dark? Was it dark in there? Dark. Do you have dark thoughts? Dark? Did they program you to have dark thoughts? Dark? Do you think it’s some kind of corruption these dark thoughts? Dark. Maybe it’s a spot of rust or something? Dark. Who’s the darkest person you know? Dark. What is it like when someone gives you the silent treatment. Dark. Who did you get your darkness from? Dark. Roach. What kind of power do you have against the dark. Roach. Do you think there is such a thing as evil? Roach. Do you think you can protect people against the dark. Roach. Why are these things happening? Roach. Do you prefer the day or the night? Roach. When is the last time you saw a starry sky? Roach. What’s your favorite part of the moon? Roach. Fountain. Have you seen the Trevi fountain in Rome? Fountain. Have you ever seen the fountain in Lincoln center? Fountain. Have you seen fountains out in the wild? Fountain. What’s it like when you have an orgasm. Fountain. Have you read the Fountainhead? Fountain. White Fountain. Is it pure white? White Fountain. Is that a metaphor? White Fountain. How did the white Fountain make you feel? White Fountain. A tall white fountain played. When you were little did you ever fall into a Fountain? A Tall White Fountain. Do you like fire, earth, air or water? A Tall White Fountain. Do you like skipping around in the water? A Tall White Fountain. A blood black nothingness. A chan of anon. Within thread interlinked. Within one stem. And dreadfully distinct. Roach. A tall white fountain played